Friday, December 7, 2012

The Incompetent Doctor, And How to Protect Yourself

Two nurses who lost their hospital jobs and endured criminal prosecution after reporting a physician to the Texas Medical Board over patient safety concerns will receive $375,000 each in a settlement of a federal lawsuit they had filed against their former employer, the physician, and other parties [Lowes, 2010].

Every physician in California has a recurring nightmare of finding their name on the monthly "discipline" list of the California medical board, the regulator of doctors in the state. The report includes a brief description of the offense, and the punishment. Of the 30 or so actions reported, about 90% are related to alcohol or drugs, usually resulting in probation and rehabilitation. A few offenses are related to fraud, with the remaining punishments due to incompetence, usually so egregious as to be frightening.

In reality, these problems are the tip of an iceberg. For every action taken, who knows how many are not reported, or don't rise to the level of discipline? Some result in malpractice suits, but these rarely result in physician suspension or retraining.

The article quoted above illustrates how difficult it can be to report and discipline even one bad physician. Two nurses risked their careers by complaining about what appears to be clear incompetence. That doctor used his friendship and influence with the hospital administrator and local officials to both avoid the charges and to get the nurses fired from their jobs.

Although the nurses eventually prevailed in court, the doctor has remained in practice, although he under investigation.

How can society in general, and your family in particular, make sure your physician is doing a good job?

Physician groups and hospital staffs do a much better job policing themselves than state medical boards. In large groups, physicians have substantial ethical, financial, and legal incentives to monitor, evaluate and improve the care they are giving. Excluding the impaired or incompetent doctor makes very good sense.

One of the few beneficial aspects of Obamacare is that it contains financial incentives to force physicians to form groups, which will be far more effective than bureaucracies and review boards in improving quality.

In the meantime, you can probably protect yourself and your family by using doctors who are affiliated with larger groups and larger hospitals. Although there are exceptions, it is far less likely an impaired or incompetent doctor will be practicing with others. Counter-intuitive as it might seem, avoiding the local "Marcus Welby" practitioner may be the key to insuring good care. Nurses in Texas Whistleblower Case Settle for $750,000.


Robert Lowes, "Nurses in Texas Whistleblower Case Settle for $750,000," Medscape Medical News, August 12, 2010.

A Few Words About Consent Forms   The History Of Heath Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)   Compensation for Birth Injuries   Medical Malpractice Lawyers For Medical Mistakes   Dangerous Birth Injuries   

5 Questions to Ask When You Are Interviewing a Medical Malpractice Attorney

There are cases when the negligence of others hurts people. In cases like this people may feel overwhelmed and excited and they may find it difficult to decide what steps to take to overcome that situation. The best choice in such cases is hiring a malpractice attorney who will handle the case.

In general there are certain standards which the medical professionals should adhere to. But not all doctors follow these standards. As a result we face malpractice. Cases of malpractice differ greatly. For instance, the unsanitary use of instruments and not proper use of instruments can be considered to be a case of malpractice. Or if the doctor gives a wrong diagnosis and, hence, wrong treatment, we again deal with malpractice. The fact remains true that in the majority of cases the doctors do not take the responsibility for their mistake. In such cases it is necessary to hire a malpractice attorney who will defend your rights and get compensation for the loss and pain you have suffered.

5 questions to ask when you are interviewing a malpractice attorney are as follows: 1. Who will handle my case? Generally the person who you are talking to is the person who will handle the case and supervise over the whole process. But there are also cases when you talk to some attorney in a law firm, and then find out that another attorney is going to deal with your case. 2. What is your experience in dealing with such cases? This question will help to identify how skilled the attorney you are interviewing is. 3. Are you a member of any organization related to medical malpractice? 4. What are the fees for your services? 5. Can I have some references from your past clients?

These 5 questions will help you choose the right malpractice attorney.

A Few Words About Consent Forms   The History Of Heath Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)   Compensation for Birth Injuries   Medical Malpractice Lawyers For Medical Mistakes   Dangerous Birth Injuries   

Steps Involved For Proper Medical Compensation Claims

It is a common matter of fact that medical compensation claims are demanded at large by a huge number of human beings. The reason behind these claims are faulty treatments provided by medical practitioners and also the ill treatment and facilities that are faced by the patients.

It is extremely important to choose a proper treatment centre with experienced doctors while going for medical treatments. An inexperienced doctor can lead to improper treatment and the result may be severe in terms of loses and damages faced by that of the victims and patients.

Although the chances of getting the proper treatment from an experienced capable doctor is always in the higher percentage, there are certain cases that have resulted in maltreatment by an experienced medical practitioner only.

Whatever may be the reason, for any sort of mistreatment and deterioration of the health of a patient, the victim's family members can always go in for claims.

For your information, it's better to know that medical mistreatments can be extremely fatal and may even cost the patient's life! But, before making claims, you are required to know about each and every minute details and procedure involved while making the dues claims in a proper legitimate way.

Let us take an example: assume that one of your relative has been mistreated by a medical practitioner and due to that the patient has suffered heavy losses. You simply can't go to the doctor or in the medical centre and start demanding your it for the victim. This is not at all the correct procedure.

So, the question arises: "What exactly is the correct procedure and hoe to avail it in order to get justice?"

The correct procedure involves searching for an experienced professional lawyers. After you select proper solicitors, your main objective will be to sit with the lawyer and explain the matter in a detailed way. You need to provide the lawyer with all the medical evidences like doctor prescription, medical test reports, and all those documents that your relative received while undergoing the treatment.

It is then the work of these lawyers to entirely study the case and find out a solution that involves easy process related to claims from that doctor or treatment centre.

Almost, each and every medical compensation lawyers try to settle the matter without involving any harassment and lengthy procedure of the court room act.

A Few Words About Consent Forms   The History Of Heath Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)   Compensation for Birth Injuries   Medical Malpractice Lawyers For Medical Mistakes   

Unique and Best Baby Gifts for New Mothers

How many baby showers have you been to where the mom to be unwraps more baby oil and lotion then she could use on her own skin circumference in a year? It's time to spice those baby showers up a bit, add some flair. Bring out the new mom's personality a bit because us veteran moms know that once that baby gets here the nine months of "ohs" and "ahs" and "let me get that door for you", "no sit, you must be exhausted" disappear into "well you've almost lost that baby weight just what 50 more lbs to go", "oh your baby's crying here you take her back."

OK, yes I think motherhood is a beautiful thing but the new mom often gets lost in all the soft pinks and blues. Let's talk unique baby gifts that will thrill the mom on a personal level without forgetting the baby.

First you need to think about the mom to be. How well do you know her? Can you answer the following? Favorite movie Favorite type of music and favorite artist Favorite color Favorite book Sci-fi, mystery, or romance Sports enthusiast Dietary preferences: vegan, allergies, organic, processed Allergies or skin irritations Avid exerciser or serious couch potato

Don't stress if you only know the answer to one. Go with that one. Let's talk baby shower gifts. Chances are if our friend has a skin irritation and say vegan then the 10 year supply of baby lotions and oils mentioned above will actually offend her. To stay on speaking terms with her look for a botanically based, hypoallergenic, vegan approved baby oil and liquid soap. Then add some flair. Using the following recipe, create home-made baby wipes. Package the wipes with the recipe, a few rolls of paper towels, and the remaining oil and soap.

With a serrated knife cut a role of thick paper towels in half, forming two smaller rolls. Remove cardboard tubing. In a cylinder container combine 2 cups water, 1 tbsp Baby Wash, and 2 tsp Baby Oil. Place one of the half rolls in the container with the liquid (save the second roll for next time). Close the container and wait until the roll has completely absorbed the liquid. Flip the container over and let it sit for 10 more minutes. Keep the wipes in an airtight container to keep them from drying out.

What about unique baby gifts that will touch the mom's heart? Let's go back to the questions. So let's say our friend is a big Gone With The Wind fanatic. Prepare her for baby's first Halloween with a southern belle dress for each of them (assuming she is having a girl). Or maybe our friend is into Star Wars. My son was given two Star Wars Disposable. One with Yoda's face and the words "Size matters not" and another one with Darth Vader and the words "Who's your daddy?" My husband and I dressed him in it so much Yoda's ears wore off before he outgrew the outfit.

Is her favorite music jazz or Christian? No matter what her genre there are children's Cd's available. Why not pair it with her favorite artist? Better yet, make a mix with some of her favorite songs so she can share her love of music with her new child. Whether you are looking for a unique baby boy or girl gift it simply requires a small amount of information paired with creative thinking.

Personalized baby gifts are always fun. If the mom-to-be has not divulged the child's name then prepay for the item at the store with a little extra for shipping. At the baby shower give our friend a beautiful card with a picture of the item and a note saying waiting for the naming. Make sure she knows that all she has to do is call and they will ship it out to her. Another way to personalize a baby gift is to make it yourself. If your talent is sewing offer to create the bumpers, sheets, and skirt for the crib. If your gift is painting or drawing offer to stylize the room with a mural or paint canvases to hang.

Being a new mom can get tough. Learning to balance the chores, sleepless nights, a tired husband, and a little me time is tricky. Help our friend out. Here are a few ideas that are all about the new mom.

Schedule an appointment for her to receive an in home massage and then take the baby for a few hours so she can enjoy.

Give her a membership to a pizza of the month club (or whatever her favorite food might be, cheesecake would work for me).

Go to a Pass Your Plate or Supper Club and make enough meals to fill her freezer.

A gift basket with bubble bath, chocolates, and a calendar of the next 6 months. Sit down with her and mark out two days each month that you will take the little guy and give her bubble bath time.

How To Plan Unforgettable Baby Showers   5 Baby Shower Games for Men   Egg Freezing Done in a Fertility Clinic   Egg Freezing Done in a Fertility Clinic   

Top Baby Shower Gifts

Heading off to a baby shower? If you're having gift dilemma, your safest bet is to choose off the registry - but what if there isn't one? Check out our top baby shower ideas when it comes to choosing a gift:

1. The essentials. While most moms will want to pick out the major stuff on their own - diaper bags, car seats, play arches, etc. - stocking them up with the basics that they can never have enough of is a smart gift. Yes, it's a little boring, but a sample of outfits to get baby through the first year, receiving blankets or burp cloths, tiny socks and hats, pacifiers and more are all things moms will need in spades.

2. Memberships or gift cards. New moms need excuses to get out of the house, so why not spring for a membership to a kid-friendly activity or event for a unique spin on baby shower gifts? Baby yoga classes, a zoo membership and movie tickets for mom and baby screenings are just a few gift ideas that will help a new mom get out and about when she needs it most.

3. Home cleaning or meal delivery. Tread lightly on this one, but many new moms could use a hand or two around the house as they adjust to their new life. Look for open-ended gift certificates for cleaning services, and arrange for meal delivery at a time that is likely to be convenient. Or better yet, deliver the food yourself and square it away in the fridge or freezer, so mom doesn't have to lift a finger.

4. Something handmade. If you've got a talent, whether it's sewing, carpentry, knitting, scrapbooking or what have you, a handmade baby gift is something any mom-to-be will treasure.

5. A gift card. Again, it's a little boring, but you can never go wrong with a gift card at a baby shower. Shopping for baby is an exciting time for a mom-to-be, so a little extra spending money at her favorite baby store, maternity store or furniture store could be just what she needs. For an extra touch, plan a special day of girl time that includes lunch out and any other fun activities you normally do together.

Baby Shower Gift Tips Whatever gift you choose, keep in mind that the last thing most moms want is for you to stress about it. If you're choosing from a registry, don't feel pressured to exceed your budget - you can always make a contribution toward a larger gift, if you know there's something your friend really wants.

How To Plan Unforgettable Baby Showers   5 Baby Shower Games for Men   Egg Freezing Done in a Fertility Clinic   Egg Freezing Done in a Fertility Clinic   

Make a Baby Shower Diaper Cake for Under $30

My sister in law is expecting her first baby, it's going to be a boy. They live in a different state and come back home to visit every two to three months. On their last visit home my husband and I gave them a baby gift since we knew we would be out of the country when the little one arrives.

Several weeks later we receive an invitation to my sister in law's Baby Shower. We didn't even know they were planning on coming back for another visit, so instead of showing up empty handed for the Baby Shower I thought I'd make a Diaper Cake to use as a center piece for the gift table. I figured I could make a Diaper Cake for under $30 and low and behold I did.

I'm not going to tell you exactly how much I spent, that's tacky, but if you have a dollar store and department store like Target nearby, you will have no trouble at all making a Diaper Cake for under $30 and staying within your budget. I only went to three stores to get my supplies, a Dollar Store, department store and our local crafts store.

Here is a list of items I purchased at each store:

Department Store - 100 pack of size 1 diapers (unisex), 1 pack of assorted rubber bands, 1 small bottle of Johnson baby powder.

Dollar Store - 1 small bottle of baby lotion, 1 large children's book (you can also use a large piece of cardboard wrapped in baby wrapping paper or a round pizza plate), 2 packages of baby toys, 1 roll of wide ribbon (pink or blue depending on if it's a girl or boy Baby Shower), 2 ribbon bows for decoration.

Crafts Store - 2 yards of frilly fabric.

Now, let's get started with the Baby Diaper Cake project. Start out by rolling all 100 diapers and secure them with a small rubber band.

Set the baby powder on top of the children's book and align the rolled diapers around the bottle, secure with a medium sized rubber band. Make another row of diapers around the first one and hold in place with a large rubber band. Cover the outer rubber band with the wide ribbon and secure with glue or a diaper pin.

Set the lotion bottle on top of the baby powder and align a row of diapers around the bottle, again secure with a rubber band. Make another row of diapers around the first one and hold in place with a large rubber band. Cover the outer rubber band with the wide ribbon and secure with glue or a diaper pin.

Now set the remaining diaper rolls on top of the cake, secure with a rubber band and cover with the wide ribbon. You now have a three tier Diaper Cake.

Decorate the outside with small toys, baby socks or bibs. You can also hide small items like pacifiers or little duckies inside the Diaper Cake if you choose.

Wrap the Diaper Cake in see through fabric or cellophane and attach ribbon bows to the top.

Try this easy to make Diaper Cake for your next Baby Shower. It is a very fun DIY project that will only take about 20 minutes to make, once you have gathered all of your supplies.

How To Plan Unforgettable Baby Showers   5 Baby Shower Games for Men   Egg Freezing Done in a Fertility Clinic   Egg Freezing Done in a Fertility Clinic   

What Is a Registered Process Server?

A registered process server is a person that is certified and trained to deliver (serve) legal documents to individuals and companies, known as defendants or parties. When a criminal or civil case goes to court, the attorneys will alert the parties involved via legal documents. The process server, upon receiving the documents from the attorney, proceeds to deliver the documents to the individual. When we refer to registered process servers, these are usually servers that are registered to serve within a specific county or area of their state, having been trained to do so.

Becoming a process server can be as simple process. The majority of the states in the United States require an individual to be trained and certified by either an attorney or an approved veteran server. Each state has a process server association or state board that governs the laws or process for that state. They should also have a list of approved trainings and courses. State laws and procedures will also dictate the extent of criminal background one can have in order to serve documents.

The primary duty of a process server is to deliver notifications of a pending case to the party or parties involved. Process servers can also be asked to perform other tasks related to service, including surveillance or performing of background checks. It is up to the server to determine if they offer these services.

Cases vary and the attorneys representing each side will provide the person's identity and address where they believe they can be located to deliver. After the case has been filed in its respective court, the attorneys involved will deliver a court copy of the case with the parties to be notified to the server. The server will then attempt to deliver the notification to the individual they are directed to. The type of case determines the speed of delivery. Citations and petitions tend to be routine and allow up to a few months to locate and serve the documents. Subpoenas to testify and produce documents usually have a smaller time frame for delivery. Temporary restraining orders and writs of garnishment usually demand service within three business days due to the immediate nature of these types of cases.

If you are interested in becoming a registered process server, find out the requirements for your state and begin to learn the laws of civil procedure. Serving legal documents is not the most glamorous job, but it is always in demand and filings of new civil cases continue to grow every year.

Are Civil Bench Warrants Worth Getting?   Judicial Council Forms Hold Clues To California Procedural Questions   Legal Rights Advice: 10 Areas of Fun Regarding Legal Help   3 Things a New Process Server Must Do to Be Successful   

Judgment Debtor Hubby Exams

I am not a lawyer, I am a judgment referral expert (Judgment Broker). This article is based on my experience in California, which is a community property state. Laws vary in each state, and nothing in any of my articles should ever be considered legal advice.

This article is my opinion about court examinations of the spouses, live-in partners, or intimate or business partners of judgment debtors. What should you put in a declaration to accompany your points and authorities for a third-party examination about judgment debtor assets?

I am not a lawyer, however I know anything can happen in court, no matter what perfect words are on your proposed order to examine a third-party about the debtor's judgment debt. More than once, a commissioner or judge has decided a third party cannot be examined - even if they own a house with the judgment debtor, and raised three kids with them.

When a couple refers to themselves as husband and wife, have raised kids to adulthood, and bought a house together, the wife can retain her maiden name for her drivers license, and claim she is not liable for her husband's debts.

How can you determine if a couple is married or not? Even if they told you that they were married to each other, that does not mean that it is actually true. If they bought a house together, and you check the vesting on the grant deed, it might show if they chose to divulge that they were married at that time.

Even if there is evidence they were married at that time, it does not mean they are still married today. If you know that they were confidentially married in a certain county, you can obtain a copy of their confidential marriage license for a fee, if you have a copy of your signed court order to get that information.

You can get the court order with an ex-parte motion, which requires a declaration, memo of points and authorities, and a proposed order, and have it served. If you found real property records in the recorder's office that shows them taking title to real property as "husband and wife", then you may find a sympathetic judge who will sign your order, since you are asking the judge only to confirm what you already know and have proof of.

Another way to get marriage information is to examine both the "husband and wife" separately at a debtor and third-party examination at the court. One of them may admit to having been confidentially married at the exam.

In California, statues 708.120, and a few others, list the requirements for a declaration, memo of points and authorities, and a proposed order. You must include the basic judgment information and a description of the debtor property you think the third-party examinee may be in possession of, and/or the reason you think the third-party examinee might owe the debtor $250 or more.

In California, third-party examination requests can be somewhat informal, you can describe the records they have in their possession, or that information they might have, is worth $250. You can also mention CCP 700.130, and document that the third-party has first hand knowledge of the judgment debtor's finances, and may be examined as a witness.

My papers have never been rejected, even when I cannot specifically point to $250 worth of property. Of course, anything can happen, so throw in the CCP 700.130 witness legal basis too, because that allows for examination of anyone and everyone who might have first hand knowledge of the judgment debtor's finances.

A third-party ORAP declaration is not hard. If they are a wife or husband of the debtor, make sure to mention shared community property. If you know about any specific property, make sure to list it specifically. You will get an ORAP lien on the property you list in your declaration, only if you mention it with sufficient specificity.

For an example of the wordings of a third-party examination order, please see my article at:

Are Civil Bench Warrants Worth Getting?   Judicial Council Forms Hold Clues To California Procedural Questions   Legal Rights Advice: 10 Areas of Fun Regarding Legal Help   3 Things a New Process Server Must Do to Be Successful   How To Record A Lien   

Backlink Building: Effective Link Building With Social Media Marketing

Some experts believe that social media is the link building wave of the future. There are hundreds of social networking sites and tools to take advantage of for their potential SEO value. Social media link building doesn't stop at Facebook and Twitter. For maximum results, you will need to have some influence and a network of users.

Among the various SEO tools and strategies, link building is essential for good website page ranking. If you create content that appeals to social media users and that content becomes popular on high traffic social sites, your website or blog will be linked to from numerous sites around the web. Social networking also gives you the opportunity to find and target industry users for specific link building outreach campaigns.

The main difference between social media link building and traditional link building is the focus. In traditional link building, you are focusing on anchor texts in your backlinks from specific websites. When you are using social networking, you are focusing on the person behind the website you want to get links from.

Millions of companies use social networking sites to connect with their target customers. People don't go to these sites to buy products or services. They go to Facebook, Twitter and other sites to relax, find out what their friends are up to, and read interesting content. If you want to boost your website rankings through social media, you need to provide valuable content that is worth sharing.

First of all, you need to build an audience and start making friends. Use industry demographic data from authoritative sources such as QuantCast and ComScore. Write good blog posts and promote them. Mix in a few personal related posts now and then. Encourage your followers to share your content. Post your articles on appropriate social media sites and within relevant categories.

Build your own brand around your niche as early as possible. The best way to do that is to promote your content to webmasters and business owners who have already established themselves as industry experts. The content you write should be original and offer real value to your target audience.

Social networking sites give you new and original ways to find prospective customers and build links, but they don't cut any corners. Like any other part of search engine optimization, getting quality backlinks through social media requires time. If you want to succeed, make your updates count and produce new content regularly.

SEO: Why Build Links?   The Importance Of Backlinks For An SEO Campaign   13 Easy Ways To Get Backlinks   Choosing the Right Link Building Campaign   Backlink Building: How to Use Q and A Sites to Build Better Links   

Keeping Your Hot Tubs Safe For All The Family

The hot tub supplies a great recreational service but it also comes with a few safety considerations, some of which are obvious and others that may be a little easier to forget. Children are the first to consider both because there is a legal obligation and also from the obvious worry that anything could happen to them.

The hot tub obviously is kept full of water and it is the owner's obligation to keep the tub secure at all times so that no child gets near it when they are not being supervised. The best way to keep children away is make it impossible to get near when it is not being used, if the hot tub is in a separate room then the room can be locked but even then is better to have a lockable cover which is fully secured at all times when not in use. This also removes the massive heat loss when the pool is open to the elements.

The pool that is outside in the garden should have a lockable top in position at all times when not in use and being supervised. Hot tubs are like any other pool in that you either have to climb up to get in or to climb down into if they are sunk into the floor, then you have to climb out.

More accidents occur from falls from people slipping when moving around with wet feet and with wet surfaces about than reasonably should occur. The older you get the easier it is to fall so the last thing that is required is to have to climb over the sides of the tub and then fall back out make sure there is a safe and secure entry and exit point. No body wishes to be a killjoy but there should be adequate steps and support rails to get in and out and a level of discipline can save a broken bone or a badly lacerated foot.

Make sure that the access is good and that there is not a steep grassy slope to go down. If in any doubt make sure you err on the safe side, children are always fascinated with water which is why the hot tubs are often in demand in the first place but there are still so many tragic deaths through that odd second when they are unsupervised that the problem cannot be over emphasised. These pools are perfectly safe if the correct procedures are considered.

Choosing a Spa Hot Tub   Using Above Ground Sand Filters   Advantages Of Screened Pool Enclosures   Keeping Pets Out of Your Pool   

The Pros And Cons Of Choosing Foam Spa Covers

Generally speaking, the world of spa covers is split into two distinct varieties, each with their own positive and negative features. These two varieties include foam-based spa cover options, which are traditionally quite thick and durable, and lighter weight covers which are far less durable but are definitely more easy to maneuver after a long day in the office. For a number of reasons, easily the most popular form of spa cover is the thick, insulated foam cover. Consumers have made it pretty clear that they prefer these covers, and there are a few great reasons why.

Foam-Based Spa Covers: Why They're a Logical Choice for Most Spa Owners

Consider that most home spas are placed outdoors on a deck or patio; only a slight minority of spa owners keep their home spa in a self-contained room. This means that the spa itself is subject to any number of natural elements, including extremely cold temperatures, gusty thunderstorms, and other things which could serve to undermine both the heat and the sanitation of the spa itself. A foam cover is easily the best way to prevent the elements from taking hold of the spa and making its use impractical.

A foam cover is traditionally quite heavy, and it guards the spa against outside debris getting into the water and causing problems with the actual massage jets and other mechanical elements of the spa. The foam cover's thickness also helps to keep the spa insulated, resulting in a far lesser release of heat over time and ensuring that water will remain both clean and relatively hot between uses. This promotes energy efficiency and cost savings, and that's good for consumers.

A foam cover is also a great way to ensure that pets and small children don't go for an accidental dip in the hot water; these covers are as durable as they are thick and heavy, and that means that most of them can withstand up to 200 pounds of weight before they buckle and send a person or animal into the water. That elicits a huge sigh of relief from nervous parents and pet owners, who are all too familiar with the high price of accidents.

Thick Covers Can Be a Burden, Too

The main problem with foam covers is that they are excessively heavy and hard to remove for most homeowners, especially those who require the spa for therapeutic purposes. These covers also have a knack for soaking up the spa's water and adding even more weight to their existing heavy construction. Additionally, constantly soaking up water and releasing it back into the spa can weaken the cover's construction and cause it to crack after several years of use, even when excessive pressure is not being applied.

That being said, however, foam spa covers are still a popular and sensible way to keep a home spa free of debris, accidental falls into the water, and high utility bills which can result from poor heat insulation, and they should be considered by every spa owner.

Choosing a Spa Hot Tub   Using Above Ground Sand Filters   Advantages Of Screened Pool Enclosures   Everything You Need to Know About a Vinyl Liner Pool Repair   Keeping Pets Out of Your Pool   

Wedding Anniversary Symbols

Most people are aware that significant wedding anniversaries such as 25th and 40th are linked to precious stones, in these cases silver and ruby. However, it is less well known that all anniversaries up to and including the 15th, and then every 5th anniversary, have their own particular symbol. The list below shows the symbol traditionally associated with each anniversary.


1st - Paper

2nd - Cotton

3rd - Leather

4th - Books

5th - Wood

6th - Sugar, candy

7th - Wool, cooper

8th - Bronze, pottery

9th - Pottery, willow

10th - Tin, aluminium

11th - Steel

12th - Silk, linen

13th - Lace

14th - Ivory

15th - Crystal

20th - China

25th - Silver

30th - Pearl

35th - Coral

40th - Ruby

45th - Sapphire

50th - Gold

60th - Diamond

75th - Diamond

The Silver (25th) and Golden (50th) Anniversaries appear to be the most traditional. In Central Europe going back hundreds of years a man would present his wife with a silver or golden garland to mark the occasion of their anniversary.

The other materials have been added to the list more recently, and there is now a more modern list which incorporates the missing years 16-19. Amazingly, a ten carat diamond has been added for a 100th Wedding Anniversary! How many couples will get that far?

The traditional version is still preferred by most people.

Wedding Anniversary Signature Frame - The Perfect Anniversary Gift!   Wedding Anniversary Symbols   

Anniversary Blues

Jamie and Kurt are a sweet, successful couple in their early thirties. In spite of loving each other deeply, they often find themselves in conflict over seemingly minor issues, as most couples do. Recently, just one week before their wedding anniversary, they had a particularly hurtful argument. Jamie had expressed her unhappiness about Kurt's busy schedule and the limited time he finds to spend with her. As usual, Kurt promised to try harder and they got through it. But having not dealt with the real issues at hand, the problem was bound to resurface. Jamie unknowingly began planting the seeds for their next bout when she decided to bring up the subject of their anniversary.

"Kurt, I just wanted to remind you that next week is our anniversary and it's really important that we plan something special for us."

Kurt took a deep breath and responded, "Jamie, you know I don't really like celebrations."

"Oh come on Kurt. It's really important to me." Nearly pleading, Jamie continued. "When you really love someone, you try to do what is important to them, right? I made the plans last year and now it's your turn. Why don't you surprise me...something really romantic! Okay?"

Silent and distant, Kurt gave a slight nod, which was all the assurance Jamie needed that this anniversary would be exceptional. She could barely work that week fantasizing about what Kurt would do to demonstrate his everlasting love. Finally, the day arrived! Kurt had agreed to be home by six o clock. By twenty past six, Jamie was anxious. With each glance at the clock, her pacing quickened. At last, Kurt walked through the door looking tense and clutching a bouquet of red roses. Jamie took the roses with a wary smile, anticipating what was coming next. Without even so much as a glance, Kurt turned around, got a beer out of the fridge, and sank into the couch, grabbing the remote control.

Jamie watched intently, feeling her blood turn to ice. "That's it?" she asked.

"That's what?"

"That's it? It's our anniversary!" Jamie's tone grew sharp. "You said you would plan something special and romantic and this..." shaking the roses in her clenched fist, "this is it?"

"I never said I would do anything," Kurt retorted. "I told you it wasn't my thing."

"Don t lie to me! You nodded yes!"

"No, I didn't. I didn't agree to anything. You always want me to prove that I love you. I hate that! Even if I did want to do something for our anniversary, I certainly wouldn't want to after you tell me you expect it! Sullenly, Kurt turned back to the TV. You take all the fun out of everything.

Jamie dissolved into tears. "Well if you knew how to show me you loved me, I wouldn't have to say anything."

Without a word, Kurt turned off the TV and left the house.

Once again, Jamie and Kurt were left feeling unheard and unappreciated. Their conditioned response was to blame each other for their hurt feelings and angry behavior.

In order to understand how things went so wrong, we need to look at the interaction in terms of their intention to learn or their intention to protect.

Jamie starts out trying to control Kurt by making him feel guilty. Kurt, not wanting to be controlled and not able to communicate how being controlled makes him feel, moves into resistance, which is his form of control. Jamie thinks that laying on more guilt (control) will accomplish her objective to have a romantic anniversary. Since Kurt is frustrated with his inability to express his brewing feelings, he moves into silence (control). Finally, when Kurt comes home late and sits on the sofa, he demonstrates passivity (control) to which Jamie responds with anger (control). Kurt uses more resistance (control) and Jamie uses more anger and guilt (control). Kurt gets defensive (control) and disappears (control). Attack, resist, blame, defend, on and on...Sound familiar?

Neither Kurt nor Jamie want to hurt each other. Unfortunately, they are also not open to learning about their own feelings and behaviors, or each other's. Resorting to controlling behavior keeps them safe and eliminates the need to effectively communicate their fear. Fear is what motivates their intention to control and in the face of fear, their love dissipates.

Instead of each person taking full responsibility for his or her own happiness and unhappiness, they gave that job to each other. Imagine that your feelings are a child within. Imagine what would happen if you had an actual child that you kept trying to give to others to take care of. That child would feel scared and insecure most of the time. Yet that is exactly what happens when we make others responsible for our feelings - our child within feels scared, insecure, angry, depressed, and anxious. It is only when we take responsibility for our own feelings, which we can do through the intent to learn, that we will feel secure enough to give up the need to control and resist control.

It would be easy to blame Jamie for their problems - if only she didn't get so needy and angry, everything would be fine. It's just as easy to blame Kurt - if only he was more attentive and caring. Yet until both Jamie and Kurt are willing to take responsibility for their own feelings, and until loving themselves and each other is more important than controlling or not being controlled, their conflicts will continue.

The act of taking responsibility has nothing to do with blame or fault. Each person taking full responsibility eliminates the need to be right and that is an essential step to a mature and reasonable outcome. What if Jamie had started with, "Kurt, I love celebrating our anniversary and you hate it. Can we talk about what would work for both of us?" They could have more easily resolved the issue. And what if Kurt had responded to Jamie's initial controlling statements with caring and openness instead of resistance, such as, "Honey, you know I don't like celebrations, so please don't expect me to plan something. Let's talk about how we can make it work for both of us." Either one of them could have moved into an intent to learn and taken responsibility for creating what they wanted.

Each of us has the choice to begin to notice our intention.

If each of us changed our intention from controlling to loving, and learned to take responsibility for our own feelings, we would each be participating in healing our relationships and thereby healing our planet.

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Motorcycle Insurance - Why Anyone Would Buy It

Every person who purchases a motorcycle should also purchase motorcycle insurance before they head out on their first ride. The reasons for doing so are pretty simple to understand for the most part, but there are some reasons that aren't so obvious.

The point of motorcycle insurance is to make sure you, your motorcycle, and other riders and their equipment are protected under any circumstances. If an accident were to occur and insurance was not available to either of the parties involved, then the two parties involved could experience a great deal of loss from a financial standpoint.

Making Sure Your Health Is Covered

Physical injury is another reason for making sure that motorcycle insurance coverage is in place when heading out for a long trip or a short ride across town. If any rider experiences injury or other physical loss during a motorcycle accident, then motorcycle insurance will help cover most, if not all, medical expenses that occur. When insurance plans are not in place and accidents happen, then the parties involved are the ones who are 100% responsible for all medical expenses.

Protect Personal Property

Motorcyclists have to protect their physical property from loss as well, which is another reason why they purchase insurance for their motorcycles. Insurance will provide coverage for a number of different things, of which the most important being the motorcycle itself. Repairs for damages sustained during an accident can be costly, and in some cases may cost more than what the motorcycle is worth in the first place. Insurance helps pay for expensive repairs so you don't have to accept the entire burden.

It's The Law

If you weren't aware, having insurance for your motorcycle is the law in just about every state, and you must follow that law or face the consequences if you get caught without it. You shouldn't have to rely on this to make you want to get insurance because the reasons mentioned above should by reason enough.

Still trying to understand why motorcycle insurance is needed? Consider the consequences of getting into an accident without having insurance. Could you afford the expensive repairs for your motorcycle on your own? Would you easily be able to pay for the medical expenses that you, and maybe others, have incurred as a result of your injuries?

Physical damage expenses and personal injury expenses can be very costly and in many cases simply can't be covered by one person. It is for this reason that insurance is so very important and should be kept current for your motorcycle.

Caravan Insurance Options   The Rise Of Motorcycle Insurance Rates   The Importance Of Static Caravan Insurance   How to Search For Motorbike Insurance Policies Online   Why Is Caravan Insurance Important?   What You Need To Know Before Comparing Motorcycle Insurance?   

Static Caravan Insurance - Compare Quotes

Do you have static caravan insurance? Compare quotes and you may find that you end up with cover that is more suitable for your needs.

It may only be by comparing insurance quotes that you can be sure you have the most appropriate deal.

First things first - static caravan or park home?

A static caravan is one that can be moved infrequently but which is normally securely tethered on a site. You would typically use one as a holiday home for a number of weeks or months per year on a holiday caravan site. If you live in yours all year round on a formally registered park home site, then it will need to be covered with park home insurance rather than static caravan cover.

Static caravan sites

Contrary to what you may have been led to believe, you do not have to buy your static caravan insurance from the site owner although you may have to provide them with details of your insurance and they may charge an administration fee. If you have your own static caravan insurance, compare your premium to the premium asked by the site owner and you may find that, even with the administration fee taken into account, you may still be able to save some money. If you can site your caravan in a location, which typically has no history of flooding, then you may typically find that more attractive premiums are available.

Policy specifics

If your caravan is on a site that closes for the winter months, then some policies may stipulate that the water and heating systems are drained down. You may find that your awning, while included on your holiday home insurance, may have its own insurance limit. Your static caravan insurance may also require you to stow your awning when you are not present in the caravan. You may also wish to bear in mind that, while your awning is a very useful addition to your living space, it is not in any way a secure area so contents left there may typically not be covered by your caravan insurance.

Only you know exactly what cover you would like to see for your static. So if you have quotes for caravan insurance, compare them and you may find a policy that is appropriate for you.

Caravan Insurance Options   The Rise Of Motorcycle Insurance Rates   The Importance Of Static Caravan Insurance   How to Search For Motorbike Insurance Policies Online   Why Is Caravan Insurance Important?   

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